
who am I?

I'm Justin, a freelance script editor & dramaturg based in London. Originally from Canada, I've been in the UK theatre sector for a little over five years now - though I've worked on all forms of live performance, from audio to film to stage to digital.

Outside of these worlds, I also work as a producer and technician, with credits at everything from festivals to fringes to the Commonwealth Games.

so what do I actually do?

Essentially, I work with all kinds of performance makers - writers, directors, actors, general artists - to help them shape and develop work. I'm interested in not just *how* the story is told, but also *why*, and *who* you're telling it to.

I love all parts of creating a piece - everything from the early-concept shaping of ideas all the way through to granular beat-by-beat detail. I also have extensive production experience, and I pride myself in being able to see work from multiple angles - as a creative, as a potential audience member, and as a producer, company or venue. I can help develop pitches, find potential niches, point you in the direction of further opportunities and so on - thinking not just about the piece as a text or a work but as something to find an audience, and in a wider cultural context.

how do I do it?

There's no fixed process - every piece is different! But as a first step, I like to meet you, hear what you want to work on, as well as discussing your work, your intentions, your goals. I want to understand where the help I can offer sits in the wider context of your practice, the life of the piece, and so on.

This first step can take whatever form works best for you - an email, a call, a meeting, etc. From there, I'll determine the scope of how I can help, and suggest an initial engagement. Whether you'd like a one-off report, a consultation, ongoing collaboration - we'll discuss and find what works best for you.

Payment will be based off that - usually structured as either an hourly or daily rate. We'll work together to find an amount that fits your production budget, and go from there!

who have you done this with?

Click here for some testimonials!

can I get in touch?

Absolutely! If you'd like to work together, or have any questions, drop me a line via the contact form below.